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Pro Trader - Essentials
⏬ Your Trading Career Starts Here!
Welcome to Pro Trader
Setting the Stage
You're in Great Hands (My Story)
Systems for Success
Plugging into Slack
⚔️ Pro Trader's Weekly Roundtable
Let's Get Moving...
💎 Pre-Learning
Laying the Foundation
Understanding Trade Mechanics
Predicting Price Movements
The 6 Core Principles of Technical Analysis
Your First Profitable Trading Strategy
TradingView & Broker Setup (20:09)
Placing Your First Trade (36:48)
(Temporary) How to Trade Natively on TradingView
Turning $2000 into an $8000 monthly Income
(BONUS) Luke's 2023 Complete Performance Review - Weekly Roundtable
🧠 The Greatest Mind Game on Earth
The Greatest Mind Game on Earth
The 3 Unbreakable Rules
Fear, Greed & Drawdown
The Emotional Negative Sum Game
When a Dollar is Not a Dollar
How to Guarantee Your Success as a Trader
📈 Technical Analysis
What is Technical Analysis? (15:33)
Principle 1: Market Condition (4:58)
Principle 2: Market Phase (4:28)
Principle 3: Support & Resistance (9:32)
Principle 4: Indicators (14:50)
➞ 4-1: Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) (10:44)
➞ 4-2: MACD (7:28)
➞ 4-3: Relative Strength Index (RSI) (10:08)
➞ 4-4: Fibonacci Retracement (15:19)
Principle 5: Price Patterns (2:15)
➞ 5-1: Break & Retest (5:54)
➞ 5-2: Double Top & Bottoms (2:27)
➞ 5-3: Head & Shoulders (8:10)
Principle 6: Candlestick Patterns (22:24)
⚡️ Strategy 1: Power Trends
Introduction to Swing Trading (11:53)
Trading Hours (5:03)
Entry Criteria (11:09)
Preferred Analysis (7:17)
Qualitative Analysis (5:18)
Other Considerations (6:01)
Placing an Entry Order (5:40)
The 5 Most Common Reasons Traders Fail - (And Why You Wont!)
Calculating Position Sizing (4:45)
Trade Management (6:04)
Trade Execution (10:35)
Trade Example (4:50)
Trade Example Part 1: Daily Analysis & Setup (19:39)
Trade Example Part 2: How a Winning Trade Looks (14:27)
(Roundtable Extract) Power Trends In Action (45:54)
Logging Your Trades
(Roundtable Extract) Identifying Quality Setups (Live) (71:57)
(Roundtable Extract) Live Backtesting Strategy 1 (52:09)
💥 Strategy 2: Reversals
Personalising Your Watchlist (6:24)
Advanced TradingView Setup (10:26)
Entry Criteria (6:20)
(Bonus) Reversal Trade Example
(Bonus) Reversal Trade - Another Entry Opportunity Example
Qualitative Analysis and Trade Decision (2:38)
Trade Management (4:29)
Craft Your Trading Personality (13:51)
Advanced Trade Management (Live) (16:05)
Backtesting Recap (Live) 6/12/23 (63:07)
Logging Backtested Data in Trading Vault (Live) 22/01/25 (93:50)
⏳ Multi-Timeframe Analysis
Introduction to Multi-Timeframe Analysis (9:04)
Explanation of Multi-Timeframe Analysis (29:42)
Deceleration & Consolidation Using Multi-Timeframe Analysis (26:20)
Candlestick Formations Using Multi-Timeframe Analysis (18:43)
✅ The Importance of a Trading Plan
You're Almost Finished!
The Importance of a Trading Plan (15:30)
Why it's Impossible to be Profitable Without a Trading Plan (12:56)
What You Should Include in a Trading Plan (18:32)
Testing Your Trading Plan (9:44)
Trading Plan Ongoing Development (7:31)
Random Number Distribution (Live) (61:55)
🏆 Moving Forward
Becoming a Full-Time Trading Professional
(Live) What Full Time Trading Looks Like
📊 Sheets & Assets
Pro Trader Swing Trading Checklist
👥 Refer a Friend & Earn Extra Recurring Income!
Affiliate Program
(Live) What Full Time Trading Looks Like
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